Saturday, July 20
@ 8 pm -9:30 pm
with Durga Devi,
Shiva Das + Tom Price

This live outdoor, fresh air, yoga class is accessible to all who have an existing Hatha Yoga practice.

{If you would like to attend without participating in the asana, please select option}

The night is a moving Puja with sacred movement and mantra, accompanied by live ambient music of Shiva Das and special guest, Tom Price.

The evening concludes with a sacred Fire Ritual.
πŸ”₯ All are welcome to stay and participate.

The fresh air and connection
with nature enhances your practice,
and experience,
allowing you to feel more grounded and present
for this full moon evening
of illumination from within.

Benefits of devotional practice in nature:

Enhances grounding and presence

Improves focus and concentration

Strengthens connection to nature + the divine

Boosts mood and
reduces stress levels

Increases Mental Clarity and Intuition,
awakening the Guru Principle from within.


"The summer solstice event was serene.
There is nothing like live music, drum beats and soothing rhythms to enhance the bliss of a cool evening of asana to celebrate the mystical changing of seasons.
Highly recommended!"- R.G.


"Thanks for such wonderful gathering last night.
The yoga practice was just what I needed.

My broken back was magically fixed by morning.

The combination of the chanting, intention setting, yoga practice and the gorgeous sound created by Tom and Shiva Das
(along with Maestro Durga Devi) was so special.Β 

Shiva Das, You seemed to have hit a special little space
in the middle along with the Dawn Prayer,
that was just so spacious, and inviting.
Thank you so much.Β "- M.T.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Durga Devi + Shiva Das

Durga Devi and Shiva Das invite you to embark upon a journey
through this moving puja,
where your body, gestures, and prayers are the offerings.

Based on Shiva Das' experience and initiations through his teachers,
Russill Paul and Naren, and Durga Devi's assistance,
you will be guided to move your body through
sacred and devotional gestures, offerings, and mudras,
to awaken the Guru Principle within

your own heart.

Under the Full Moon you will receive the blessings of Illumination, removing the veil of darkness and seperation.

Through unwavering commitment to their students' happiness,
connection with nature,
and the power of sound and mantra,
Shiva Das and Durga Devi team up once again to offer this sacred
Full Moon Guru Purnima Event.