Saturday, May 8th, 2021 w/Durga Devi

Here is the raw video recording of the live zoom stream from our first Yoga in the Park 2021 Summer Season! It was a good one to start our summer series. Just like Tiger's Opening Day, always cold, but a great way to start a new season.

It was 45 degrees when we began our yoga practice...Durga Devi leading class and 6 energetic and brave Yoga Warriors who came out despite to cool temps. The morning was sunny and quiet in the park. Only a few dog walkers out, wondering about the crazy yogis bundled up in winter coats and hats. The trees in the park are still in the process of unfurling their leaves for the summer, but even the oaks, pines and maples were happy to see us return.

It ended up being a great practice and a beautiful start to a new season of yoga outside.

We are looking forward to creating some great memories as we come together to celebrate life with nature around us and in us and to share with each other this amazing practice that we have made a habit in our lives through difficult times.

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